52 List

52 Lists Project Week 23 – Pet Peeves

This week I am to share my pet peeves, or those things that cause me to get annoyed.


Trucks and cars that play music too loud…the boom boom kind of music.

Cars that come right up on your tail on the freeway.

Women that put makeup on in the car.

People who waste water.

Gum on public streets, how it gets there, and my shoe that finds it.

A filthy public restroom. I wonder why people don’t leave them as clean as they found it.

Near empy containers of milk put back in the refrigerator.

Toilet paper not put on the right way.

A toilet seat left up.

What annoys you?

*You can find all of my posts in this project by clicking the button below.


Linking up with Chasing Slow.

52 lists with Chasing Slow



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