31 Day Writings

Consecrated by Word of God


Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the Word or God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4: 4-5

1 Timothy 4: 5b-7 says, “because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. By pointing out these things to the brothers,you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourishedby the words of the faith and sound instruction you have followed. But reject irreverent and silly myths. Instead, train yourself for godliness.”  According to Charles Swindoll, Timothy lived in a religiously contentious time. Cults, counter fit doctrines, and religious extremism existed then just as it exist now. Can you image how difficult Timothy’s job to teach and train church members truth from God’s word?

Beloved, we see cults, moral decay and decline, and blasphemy. The decline with school shootings, the shooting of police officers and the other crime victims. Isis has us scared with the bombings. The political race for the political office has become a name calling mess. Yet we have hope in Jesus.

Are we to slam the church doors, not speak up, not vote, wring our hands, the answer is in verse 7. We need to train ourselves for godliness.

Dr. David Jeremiah’s new book, Is This The End?  He states on page 7 that morality is no longer in a free fall it has hit bottom. Christians are now facings overt repression and persecution. corruption and dishonesty in government is rampant and open. Race relations are deteriorating, civic disorder is acceleration and the national debt is beyond control.

So how do we train ourselves for godliness? Dr. David Jeremiah says in his book Is This The End? pg xi “the one right response  is to look  beyond the gathering storm to the one solid and certain source of hope– to God Himself. Hope in the future of America and the stability of the world is little more than wishful thinking. The hope God offers is the only realistic, absolute hope that carries the promise of a certain outcome.

So Paul warns us about false teachers, we have false teachers today.

How do we know when teaching departs from the faith of the bible? Use these truth as a compass.

  1. Sovereignty of God
  2. Lordship of Christ; evidenced in His death and resurrection
  3. Necessity of repentance
  4. Certainty, availability, and reality of grace
  5. Preeminence of love–for both God and others
  6. Authority of Scripture.

Per Dr. David Jeremiah’s Bible if one heard any thing against these core truths one could be sure that it was against true faith.

Beloved, do you believe that everything God created is good?

Life Lesson: Despite, the corrupt in the world, we have hope in Jesus Christ the God will win in the end.

Song. Great Is His Faithfulness

Father God, So many things that are the fundamental truth but the main truth is that you are love, you are faithful, you consecrated us through your son Jesus. Lord, you gave us your son to die for our sins. Thank you that we have eternal life, thank you for your word and that we can pray. Lord, help each one of us to stay close to you. Let me desire your word more that I desire anything else. In the name of Jesus. Amen

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