Bible Study

Let Light Shine


Linda and I went to the same church. She and I heard amazing sermons from Dr. Strauss, when she moved away I felt that Linda’s grounded in God’s word as we studied God’s word together. However, soon after her move she becomes involved in a church that’s viewed as a cult. How did she go from a church that is full of God’s light to one full of darkness?

God created light multi-purposed:  light as a source of light, spiritual illumination, in light of, daylight, dawn, candle, an electric light, truth, public knowledge, something that enlightens or informs, a lighthouse, a beacon, a flame from lighting something. We know that God created light in Genesis 1: 2-3 and God said light was good. God commanded light to shine out of darkness at the beginning of creation and the light to separate the darkness, and that light was good.

Light as knowledge, the Holy Spirit enlightens us as we read God’s word. The Light of Christ’s Gospel is truth that transforms. In Galatians 6:9 we are to not weary from doing good. Satan is active and alive is this day and age, he deceives us, he loves to get us so busy that we do not have time for our family, we do not have time for devotions, we do not have time for ourselves.

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that’s seen in the face of Jesus Christ.We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

God gives light shining in our hearts and we have this treasure of understanding God’s word, of praying and feeling the Holy Spirit, surrounded by the love of God, this great power is from God not from ourselves.

Beloved, do you love when the light come in a window and you can fill the warmth, that is the best analogy or picture I can paint of the way light can feel like the all consuming love of Christ.

My friend would not be convinced she had made a mistake joining the church she joined.  Many of us tried talking to her. Several months after I saw her one last time, she tragically died in a car accident. I still think I will see her one day because I think she accepted Christ but God is the only one who knows her heart. Which is my last point, we need to be a light in our communities.

Life Lesson. Be a light in your community

Song. We’ve a Story To Tell To The Nation

Father God, thank you for being the Light of the world. Help me to be a light in my neighborhood. Help us to be willing to share our testimonies and to pray for our communities. In Jesus’ name Amen.


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