Live Free Thursday

Living Life In a Bubble


Linking with #Live-free Thursday Suzanne Ellers

In the writing prompt, Suzanne Ellers’ states, ‘Did you know that most of us live in a bubble? That bubble may be the same circle of people who look like us, believe like us. It might be your opinion bubble — you think it, therefore it must be. It could be the bubble you put up to protect yourself. Or the bubble of teaching you learned, and even thought it might not be proved in the Bible, it’s your religious bubble and it’s comfortable. Then continues, following Jesus often draws us out of that bubble. Wise, witty, fun, insightful, teaching. Wherever the Holy Spirit leads. I will go.


Beloved, where do you spend most of your time? Time at my work bubble is where one can find me. I love my job. My heart is in tune with the Lord, I pray before I enter the patient’s room and I praise Jesus because as we know when we praise we enter God’s presence. My peers at work are some of beautiful people.

My home bubble is my haven. This is where I am in my safe haven. I read, write, pray and play at my home. My heart is full and I am so thankful that God has given me so much hope and a beautiful family.

Have you thought about how much time we spend with our internet family? God has given me so many amazing opportunities from my internet family.  Tracie Miles included my story in her book Your Life Still Counts.  I will be meeting Suzanne Eller this April. I have connected with so many of my friends and family.

So what is next? I will be helping Suzanne Eller’s launch her book Come With Me. I want to live in a bubble for the Lord. I am going to a retreat in April, at New Life Ranch in Oklahoma that will launch her new book.

Beloved, will you support Suzanne Eller and pre-order her book? Come With Me

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


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  • Reply
    March 10, 2016 at 11:59 pm

    Hi! I’m one of the A to Z Challenge minions. Just checking in quick.

    I think most of my time is spent in my family bubble, because even when I work, I work with my family.

    I try to see beyond the confines of my bubble, though, because bubbles make it so easy for people to become complacent.

    • Reply
      March 20, 2016 at 7:46 am

      Dear Misha, Look forward to seeing you in April. I think we all tend to be confound in bubbles. Maybe it is better if we call it routines. Thank you for visiting. Blessings Diana

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