31 Day Writings



Father God, I adore you. You are a merciful God, I ask that you be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly. You are a God of grace, mercy, love, and you are faithful. I adore you because you are my Abba Father, my daddy, You are beautiful, you are caring, devoted, everlasting, forgiving, great is your faithfulness. You are the alpha the omega, the beginning the end, there is no one like you worthy of my praise, I stand in awe of your faithfulness. You are joy, hope, and love for those that are hopeless and struggling with loneliness.

Psalm 86: 1-7

Hear me, Lord, and answer me,

for I am poor and needy.

2Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;

save your servant who trusts in you.

You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord,

for I call to you all day long.

Bring joy to your servant, Lord,

for I put my trust in you.

You, Lord, are forgiving and good,

abounding in love to all who call to you.

Hear my prayer, Lord;

listen to my cry for mercy.

When I am in distress, I call to you,

because you answer me.

Beloved, describe a time when you have experienced God’s mercy. It is God’s will that no one should perish but that all are saved by God’s mercy, love and grace through the saving blood of Jesus Christ.

I’ve experienced God’s mercy in obtaining my nursing degree in college and the healing of my marriage. Where have you seen God work in your life or the life of others?

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