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    Five Minute Fridays

    What does the future hold?

    Five minute Friday: Future

    A time of free writing, no correcting errors just five minutes of writing our thoughts. Then to link up with some amazing authors. We have a new home check it out

    Doris Day sings a song “Whatever Will be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)”   about our future, my future is about to change. I am retiring on June 30, 2017.  We can plan for our futures but ultimately God holds our future. In a moment, I can feel fear and yet God did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7. Job future returned to him after tragedy struck. Beloved, are you following him closely? We do not have to worry about our future because just as God was in our past and he is in our present, he is in our future. Is it June 30th yet? Blessings……