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#Genesis 6:22

    31 Day Writings

    Characteristics Two of a Believer: Blameless

    As a Director of Nurses, I championed the nurses. Feeling that in each situation the nurse did an extraordinary job. In charge of a busy home infusion division of a dialysis company, six nurses answered to me. Assignments are given to the nurses of life-giving medications, antibiotics through infusions, pain medication given through a spinal pump that required a specially trained nurse, a degree of integrity and trust that each nurse would see the patient and administer the medication as prescribed. At this point in my career, I’m specially trained in everything except these Medtronic pumps delivering pain medication. However, I have two nurses that are specialists. One day I received a telephone call and it called one of the nurse’s integrity into question. Beloved, I want you to know at that moment, I would’ve testified on my child’s life that she was blameless.

    Blameless is the number two characteristics of a born-again believer. Blameless definition innocent of wrongdoing. We see such a man in the Old Testament. Genesis 6:9 says, “This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.” This was not a good time on the earth in verse eleven it says that the earth was corrupt before God and the earth filled with violence.  God asks this blameless man to build a boat an ark giving him specific instructions on how to build this ark as described in the verses Genesis 6: 13-21.  Genesis 6:22, “Thus Noah did; according to all God that God commanded him, so he did. He lived on the earth five hundred years and God declares him blameless.

    David Jeremiah in his commentary on the Jeremiah Study Bible says, “People want to pick what to believe, but Noah believed and obeyed everything God said and that obedience saved him and his family as well as all the generations after him. Present obedience to the truth of God’s word can impact future generations as well.”

    I know of another blameless, full of integrity, Christian and her name is Suzi Eller, I had the privilege of being at a retreat with her this weekend to celebrate the launch of her Come With Me Devotional. Her invitation to about sixty women to follow Jesus. She taught how Jesus gives us an invitation to seek him first in Matthew 6:33. Per Suzi, “Our relationship is not based on our goodness but it’s based on his goodness.” In her devotional, there are “365 days of life-changing words of Jesus”. Beloved, Suzi Eller decided four years ago to go back to the basics and read the book of Luke. She became the 13th disciple of Jesus as she walked with Jesus. As I write these words, tears well in my eyes, I have never walked blamelessly with Jesus, have you? Both her book Come With Me, and Come with Me Devotional will change your life. Each can be found at and Barnes and Noble. 

    I would like to tell you that my nurse was innocent of the charges, but she was stealing pain medication from the Medtronic pump, it explained all of her excuses for being absent. I will tell you I was never as naïve as a manager nor did I ignore red flags like being late. The good news is the Board of Nursing has a program for nurses who get addicted to pain medication. Also, she is a believer and she was able to get help.

    Beloved, the second characteristic of a believer: you are blameless.

    Father God, thank you for Jesus and his gift of obedience. He came, living he loved us, dying he saved us, rising again he gave us eternal life. Lord, as a saint who sometimes sins it is still hard for me to grasp that as a believer, I am blameless. I know in my heart, I am only blameless because of the blood that was shed at Calvary. Thank you.

    What do you need to do to apply today’s characteristic in your life? Is it simply believing you are blameless in the sight of Christ? How are you seeking God first?

    I am giving away three copies of the Come with Me Devotional for leaving a comment on how Jesus is working in your life.

    This post is part of a 31 day series on the Characteristics of a Believer. I am so glad that you are here. To read all of the posts in this series, click here.