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Psalm 119: 125-128

    31 Day Writings

    Psalm 119 W6D1


    S  I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statues. It is time for you to act, Lord; your law is being broken. Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold and because I consider all your precepts right. I hate every wrong path.

    O The Psalmist prays to God, declaring he is a servant in need of discernment of God’s word. Asking for God to act against those breaking God’s law. He declares that God’s word is right, more precious than gold, causing him to hate when God’s word is used wrong.

    A Are you God’s servant? Do you ask for discernment to understand God’s word? This involves asking the Holy Spirit to enable you to understand. Do you pray before reading God’s word? Have you counted the cost of those the Holy Spirit used to write God’s word? How do you show God that His word is loved? Not only loved but more than money and fine jewels? Do you hate sin? Do you hate when someone is on the wrong path?

    P Father God, I am your servant. Give me discernment that I may understand your statues, your word. Help me to use your word daily. Your law is being broken and not honored and it saddens me. You word is precious and more costly than gold. Father God your word is the inherent word of God. It saddens me when people, walk away and go down the wrong path. Your word is like a two edge sword, let your word convict believers to stay on the right path.


    Beloved, God’s word gives us discernment, do you pray before reading God’s word?


