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    Whispers from God.

    -The only identity equation that works

    What has God whispered to your soul this week? Daily I read God’s word and I pray, I am in fellowship with my Lord and Savior. Yet in the throes of everyday life, I sometimes wonder where is God? Particularly with the violence that is in the news. I know He is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. His attributes are many. And as His daughter, I am a child of God and nothing can separate me from the love of God. Do you ever wonder what God is doing in your life?

    However, often I feel discontented and disconnected from God. I have many things that I want to do and yet when I mark them down on a to do list, the list never gets completely accomplished. Are those my goals or God’s goals for me? Becky Tirabassi encourages one to write prayers, read God’s word and keep a to do list with the prayer journal because when the Holy Spirit prompts something to do, she writes it in her to do list and calls these entries God’s marching orders. Beloved according to Romans 8:16, “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.” What is God asking you to do today?

    So this is what I hear from God, the small still voice of God whispering to me. Where there is disharmony, there is contentment with God. Where there is disconnection with people, there is a way to connect with God through prayer and reading His word. Where there is disappointment, there is God who will ease the discontent. Where there is despair, there is hope. Where there is pain, there is relief from the pain. Where there is sadness, there is gladness with the Lord.  We can draw near to God and He will draw near to us. Singing is a great way to connect with God through praising Him. Reading His Word daily is a sure-fire method of clinging to God as you read and apply His Word to your life. Praying without ceasing and we do commune with God. Tracie Miles said in Your Life Still Counts, “The way to pray without ceasing is to never say amen.”

    This is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad. Beloved, we all have twenty-four hours a day and we have a choice on how to spend our time. Will you be contented? Will you connect with God and go to the one who offers the living water that quinches your thirst?  Will you cling to your faith in Christ and listen to the small still voice that whispers, “You are loved?” Will you not let anyone shipwreck your faith even your own doubts?

    Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep (2)

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