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#sea #jonah

    31 Day Writings



    Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. Jonah 1:4

    Jonah asked by God to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against the wickedness. But Jonah ran, departing on a ship for Tarshish. He ran but God knew where he was. The sea grew violent, the sailors asked him what had he done. as thrown overboard, time to think because a great fish swallowed him, after they threw him into the very depths of the sea. He prays to God and God plans his rescue as the fish vomits him out and he lands near the seashore. He has his finest day in chapter 3 and tells Nineveh about God. They accept the gospel message. In chapter 4, the message of God’s news declare, Nineveh repents. However, we see a discouraged Jonah by a tree not by the sea. Sometimes, we run, we hide, we do as God asks, and we suffer discouragement when we complete a job for God. Beloved, our sea is what audience that is nearest to you, perhaps you have lost family members, lost co-workers,  lost boss, or a stranger. Will you be brave and go where God is calling you to go?

    Beloved, don’t choose the sea and the fish okay! Choose God.