
You are the Salt of the Earth

Read Matthew 5: 13

This verse has a name true of all Christians. Have you ever taken a bite of food expecting it to taste sweet and it was salty or have you ever taken a bite of food and the food was so salty that you could not eat the food?

What does it mean to be the salt of the earth? We are God’s chosen people in Ephesian 1:4 he chose us before the foundation of the earth and in verse 5 of Ephesians he adopts us to be his child. Because we are his children, we add flavor to the world. We are witnesses of his and even if we did not witness for him, the rocks would cry out. We are his beloved’s, his banner over us is love. As the salt of the earth, we share the love of God.

Beloved, God loves us so much that he has given us the right to call him Abba Father – Daddy and he calls us blessed, free, forgiven, and the “salt of the earth.” Did you know that salt is so significant we are unable to live without a proper fluid balance in the cells throughout the body. Additionally, it preserves our food. God paints a flavorful picture using salt when he says we are the “salt of the earth.”

We sometimes struggle in daily relationships? Have you tasted the saltiness of tears because of being overwhelmed? How many times do you let your routine be interrupted by sleeping late or staying up late? What is the flavor in your working relationship? Are you easily upset by your peer? What about road rage? How is your time with your children while they are doing their homework? What about the conversation at dinner is it a savoring event full of seasoning of love or disdain of complaining from the day? How can you be the “salt of the earth?”

Beloved, a daily walk with the Lord is the solution. Reading, believing and applying his word, praying when you are frustrated by the day’s events. When we have a daily devotional time with our Lord, we are quicker to add a dash of love instead of dash of haste with a smart tongue.

Nothing’s better than a crisp apple and a little salt, God names us “salt of the earth” because we are so significant to him. He loves us so much that he gave us his son Jesus to be our Savior.  Beloved, embrace that you are the “salt of the earth” and God has given you favor to persevere with hope and trust in God because God calls you the salt of the earth.

Daily Challenge: Eat an apple with a little salt and listen to Good, Good Father by Chris Tomlin

First in a series of Who I am in Christ by Neil Anderson.

Father God, let me be the salt of the earth to those around me. Let my words be preserving of their character to build them up and not to let them hurt. Let me be kind to those so that I am like the life saving blood that sodium is in our system. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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  • Reply
    Rachelle Craig
    January 26, 2017 at 3:38 am

    Great post Diana! I love this verse! Every time I see it I am reminded to do good things that day! I have a t-shirt with this verse on it from my church from our Salt and Light Sunday. Once a year we go out in the surrounding neighborhoods and do public service on Sunday morning. There are several different options to choose from, but we usually join the neighborhood street team. We knock on doors, offer to do any chores they may need done, like mowing, working in flower gardens, washing cars, or something else. Most people are shocked and can’t believe we are willing to serve them with no strings attached! Of course we offer prayer with them, and if we feel led, we invite them to our church for lunch that afternoon. Salt and Light Sunday has become one of my favorite days of the year!! ?❤

    • Reply
      February 19, 2017 at 1:46 pm

      Dear Rachelle, I love that your Church goes to the community to be the arms of Jesus. Blessings Diana

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