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#FMF #Psalm 25:5

    Five Minute Fridays

    Guide me oh, Lord!

    Five-Minute-Fridays A time to write for five minutes on a word and then we join and share the moments that God have given us the words to write to the above word. Guide.

    Father God, I praise you that you guide us each day. I praise you that you alone are worthy of our praise. You are faithful. You guided my mom and dad and you guided me as a child, you guided me as a teenager, your faithfulness guided me as a mom, then as a student in college, as a wife. As a nurse, I saw your faithfulness each day and sometimes a miracle or more, a soul saved. You continue to work in my sons lives and you guide me in how to help them as they are adults with their own families. Full circle I have come with your guidance. Daily, guide me Lord as I read your word and pray. Daily, guide me Lord as I seek you for your goodness and your will. Daily, guide me.

    Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5