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    28 Days of Loving God- Day 10

    28 Days of Loving God – Day 10

    Beloved, our word today is imperturbable. The definition of imperturbable is unable to be upset or excited; calm. My friend Barbie makes my scripture memes, and I have to tell you when I saw this word, I said, what does this word mean?

    Barbie and I met through a writing challenge. She volunteered to make a button (meme) for my very first October writing challenge. We bonded and have been friends ever since. We were able to actually meet and spend time together in 2018. Barbie knows me, and Isaiah 26:3 was a perfect verse for this word.

    You will keep in perfect peace
    those whose minds are steadfast,
    because they trust in you. NIV.

    So, sweet friend, what situations in your life do you need to be imperturbable? Conversely, which situation do you need to remain calm in? Perhaps, you and your husband do not see eye to eye on discipline for the children? If your debt is out of control, will you remain calm and trust God with your finances. Maybe the situation is a co-worker at work.

    This last weekend, at the end of my day at work, I decided that I was second-guessing, and I have to tell you that I replayed several scenarios in my mind. However, when we pray and trust God for the right decision, we do not second guess our choices. Therefore, daily when I start work, I give my day to the Lord, and I often pray for wisdom.

    Father God, let me remain calm in difficult situations. Let me honor you with my actions, in Jesus’s name Amen.

    Will you record this verse as a verse to memorize?