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#30DaysofThankfulness #write21Days #Godslovingkindness

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    30 Days of Thankfulness- Day 27

    30 Days of Thankfulness -Day 27

    Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the people. 1 Chronicles 16:8. KJV.

    Beloved, I am behind in writing to you; Thanksgiving was fantastic. We hosted dinner for my youngest son’s family and friends here in the Ozarks of Missouri.

    On Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we had the pleasure of seeing the horses run in a full gallop. We fed them carrots and saw them play with one another. George, the donkey, rules and tells the horses precisely what to do, and if he wants them to come, he calls distinctively.

    Today, God is calling each of us to be thankful for the many blessings He has given each one of us. If you are struggling, God wants you to know you are loved. God loves you; He wants you to know you can trust Him with your pain if you are hurting. Each day, God knows what is happening with you.

    Beloved, God is with us and loves us with everlasting love.

    On Thanksgiving, being in our home and cooking for family and friends was an answer to prayer.

    Father God, thank you for the blessings of family and friends. Thank you for giving us the desires of our hearts; for me to have my son’s family here in Missouri was a dream come true, and I am forever grateful. Please help me to remember to give thanks for all the blessings in my life. Thank you for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. In Jesus’s Name. Amen.