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#31VersesToLiveBy #Nehemiah 8:10

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    Unpacking 31 Verses to Live By -Day 2

    Unpacking 31 Verses to Live By – Day 2

    Beloved, driving home the other night, listening to a sermon, the pastor suggested five things to do to be purposeful in life:

    • an alarm clock
    • make your bed
    • do your dishes
    • a calendar
    • a journal

    So, the obvious the clock to have time with the Lord, to be timely, making your bed and doing your dishes, we all know cleanliness is next to Godliness, and the calendar and journal were about recording the important.

    Nehemiah is an important man to the King. Tasting all his food before the King eats ensures that the Kind will not be poisoned. This position is the cupbearer, but more importantly, he is Jewish and loves his homeland Jerusalem. A man in this position must not be sad in front of the King, or he is at risk of being put to death.

    Nehemiah hears about the walls of Jerusalem, and he goes to the Lord and prays. If you have never read the first chapter of Nehemiah, take a few minutes now to read it by clicking here. 

    Nehemiah serves the King, and the King notices that Nehemiah is sad; when asked, Nehemiah realizes God has provided the opportunity to tell the King the dilemma. Nehemiah outlines a plan, and the King agrees to help and gives him the necessary resources he needs. You see, my sweet friend, God works in mysterious ways. God moves and utilizes people even when the person may not believe God exists.

    Nehemiah rebuilds the walls in fifty days. You see, he probably set an alarm clock.

    The central part of Nehemiah 8: 10 to carry with you today is that the ‘joy of the Lord is your strength.”

    Today, spend time reflecting and reading God’s Word, record something you are grateful and perhaps write out today’s verse. For me, I started a reading plan to read the Bible and write the scripture, mainly the Psalms. I feel that we need to store God’s Word in our hearts. So, I will do a little less television and a lot more focusing on the task at hand.

    What is God asking of you in 2022?

    Father God, plans are good. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Thank you, sweet Lord. Amen