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#31writings #thriving #thrive #Ezekiel. #amwriting

    31 Day Writings

    Thriving is abiding with the Lord daily

    Beloved, our word is thriving; thrive’s definition is to prosper and flourish. Thrive is in the Bible five times.

    Behold, it is planted, Will it thrive? Will it not utterly wither when the east wind touches it? It will wither in the garden terrace where it grew.” Ezekiel 17:10

    Sweet Friend, Ezekial is all about The Lord and how he will be a true shepherd to Israel. Ezekiel records his vision of Israel’s restoration after the exile and in the latter days. The Lord promises to gather the Israelites from captivity, return them to their promised lands, renew His covenant with them, and reunite the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.


    This is the time of year when everyone is preparing to plant a garden. First, one must ready the soil and prepare the seedlings or order the seeds. Fertilize the area. Wait for the last frost. Here in Missouri, the dogwood trees and the redbud trees bloom, showing spring is in the air. By far, these are my favorite trees.

    Next week I begin leading a daily devotional study by Lysa Terkeurst, You’re Going to Make It. I love helping women draw closer to the Lord.

    Today, it was raining so badly that I was late to work, yet I could do everything I needed. Do you have those days when you are up early and thrive? Starting your day with scripture and prayer is an amazing way to begin your day.

    One must prepare the ground for the garden. The soil of your heart must be prepared to meet the day’s challenges to thrive.


    Father God,

    Thank you for cleansing me and for allowing me to thrive. Thank you for healing me daily. Thank you for going before me and keeping me safe. I trust you to meet all of my needs. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


    What area of your life are you thriving?

    What area of your life do you need some pruning?

    Who might you need to forgive today?

    What are you reading in the Bible?

    Who is God asking you to pray for?

    This study starts April 10 through