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    31 Day Writings

    Blessed are the Broken

    Beloved, our word today is broken. To define broken, it is the past participle of break, having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or working order. The word broken is in the Bible 182 times in the King James Version.


    This morning I heard a woman speak on Focus on the Family; Restoring the Broken Pieces of Your Life by Elisha Morgan. Perhaps you heard the teaching. If not, I encourage you to listen.

    Restoring the Broken Pieces of Our Lives (Part 2 of 2)

    We are never beyond God’s redemption, his love. During this Easter season, redemption is an important message.

    Elisha Morgan reassures us that God loves broken people. Sweet friend, we change as we grow older. We all have our struggles, I do not know what you are going through, and some days are more complex than others. God loves us.

    Elisha Morgan’s challenge is to think about the fact that God loves us daily for one month. God loves you, Barb. God loves you, Karen. God loves you, Kath. God loves you, Judy. God loves you, Ginny. God loves you, Michelle. God bless you, Melissa. God loves you, Nancy. God loves you, Debbie. Sweet friend, God loves you.

    God can use our brokenness. He used fishermen to become disciples. God doesn’t throw us away. He takes his son and redeems us. Yes, Jesus loves me. Chris Tomlin has an amazing song, Jesus Loves Me.


    Father God,

    You certainly have used my brokenness to draw me closer to you. I pray that those reading these words know you are close to those with broken hearts. You are an amazing God who can make something beautiful from something broken. I trust you with my life. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

    What area in your life is God asking you to trust him?