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#different #Diana Rockwell

    Bible Study

    Different Is Good

    How are you different as a Christian?


    Psalm 139

    O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

    Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Psalm 139: 1-2


    I accepted Christ as my savior when I was eleven-years-old. So I am definitely different as a Christian than a non Christian. Psalm 139 is one of my favorite Psalms.

    God knows me, He knows me well. The Psalmist in this Psalm declares that God has known him.

    We are all different from one another. My strengths are different than your strengths. My struggles are different than your struggles.

    Different is not a bad thing, it is what sets us apart.

    My favorite verse is in this Psalm, it is verse 14.

    I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


    How are you different from when you accepted Christ? When we accept Christ as our Savior, we do a U turn from sin. We are now saints who sometimes sin. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we no longer identify with the world. When we accept Christ as our Savior, our eternal destination is heaven.

    Father God, thank you for making us different. Thank you for loving us and giving us the gift of Jesus as our Savior. Thank you for God’s word that says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am in awe of your majesty. In Jesus’ name. Amen

    What makes you different?