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#DustyroadwithJesus #1John3:1

    31 Day Writings

    Adventure at a retreat, we are overcomers

    Beloved, I love the dusty road I travel daily; seeing bunnies, turtles, and an armadillo today was beautiful. Tonight, a doe, a deer, was on our street; it was breathtaking. The beautiful world we live in is so full of wonder. Our word today is overcome, and the definition is succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty). In the Bible, overcome is 25 times. In our verse, 1 John 4:4, we are assured that God is more significant than satan, who is in the world.



    Little children, don’t you love how the Lord speaks to us. In the Bible, we have so many names, we are daughters, princesses, and the bride of Christ.

    In the word of God, we are asked to overcome the world. Jesus overcame Satan when he was raised from the dead.

    Jesus in this verse says he has overcome the world.

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33,

    This last weekend I had the chance to get away at a retreat, I traveled on a dusty road and even made a wrong turn several times. meeting five other women and some beautiful children. These women are overcomers.

    We spent the weekend in the Word of God. We made prayer boards and prayer journals.

    The Lord allowed me to teach: prayer. I loved having the opportunity to speak. It is easy to teach something that you are passionate about.

    Sweet friend, you are more than an overcomer when you have Jesus as your savior.

    Another thing the weekend did for me was to bring me closer to the Lord. Time in His word, uninterrupted.

    Lastly what was wonderful was being with like-minded sisters-in-Christ.

    In the book I am reading Rest For Your Soul, we are exploring being silent before the Lord. The rest I really needed. Do you have time where you just sit and listen to the Lord?

    The dusty road ended at home on Sunday but these women are going to forever be etched in my heart. Describe a time when you meet someone new? Do you feel bonded because of the Lord?


     Father God, I praise you and thank you for all you do. You are the alpha the omega, the beginning and the end. I pray for those that need you the most. I love you Lord. In Jesus’s name, Amen