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#dustyroadwithJesus #write31days. #cares

    31 Day Writings Uncategorized

    Adventure on the dusty road involves casting your cares on God.

    Beloved, to get to the dusty road, I have a driveway that is filled with gravel. When we had the gravel delivered it was a real obstacle to get up and down the driveway. So, I would have to put the car in a lower gear and pray that my tires didn’t spin out. Last year when the snow came it was even harder to get out of the driveway. Sometimes, obstacles create worries. In our verse today, a remedy for worries,

    Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

    Our word today is care and the definition of care is the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. The word care is in the Bible 248 times. The most important verse in 1 Peter 5:7.


    In Wendy Blight’s book, Rest Foe Your Soul, she has a prayer journal and her entries are interesting and worthwhile. I started adding the entries to my journal, Worries, Praise, Prayers, and Promises. So this is how it looks in my prayer journal:

    • Lord, I am worrying about
    • Lord I praise you for
    • Lord I am praying for
    • Lord I am claiming your promise

    Sometimes we go through hard times, disappointments, I look at these as appointments with God to pray and trust. Yesterday, as a family, we had an answer to a prayer that had been causing me much worry. When we are in God’s waiting room, waiting for an answer, we have to remain faithful. There is something to the keep on keeping on. Continue to meet with God, read your Bible and pray.

    Yesterday we learned about the fear of the Lord. My friend responded, “The fear of the Lord is a beautiful aspect of our walk with Him, and yet we abide in love and not fear. Such a holy dichotomy.”  This is the exciting thing about trusting God in prayer.

    Our road quote,

    God never said the road would be easy, but He also said He would never leave you nor forsake you.

    Actually, God tells us in James 1 that there will be trials. So what are you worrying about and will you cast your cares on God, because, He cares for you.


    Father God,

    I am often worried about my adult children and my grandchildren, and I worry about my friends that have health issues. Yet you promise that your grace is sufficient to meet my family and friends needs. Lord I pray for those who are in pain, for those who are lonely, for those struggling with their finances. I ask that because you care for us that you love us that that each person know they are loved with an everlasting love. In Jesus’s name Amen.