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    Five Minute Fridays

    Endure, Yes Let’s Endure

    The word is Endure

    I haven’t participated in Five Minute Friday for a long time. Five Minute Friday is a time where you write for five minutes on a word chosen by Kate Motaug.

    Psalm 119:47

    For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5. NIV

    God is good all the time and all the time God is Good. Studying the Bible has increased my desire to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Because Beloved, heaven is real and you need a reservation.

    God’s love for mankind has endured, when the world was totally bad, He had Noah build an ark and preserve vegetation and animals, birds, lions, tigers, and yes bears.

    Because of His love, He sent His son to die on a cross to pay for the penalty of sins. This world will pass away someday and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. God ‘s word endures forever just as His love for you.

    [Tweet “You are Good, You are Good, Your love endures forever “]

    How are you enduring the current challenges? Will you delight yourself in God’s word.

    Father God, You are Good. So Good, You are my King, You are Good, You are so Good. Protect us Lord as we endure. In Jesus’ name Amen