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Fruit of the Spirit

    31 Day Writings

    Adventure on the dusty road are filled with fruit

    Beloved, it has been a hot minute since I’ve felt that I could write. Sometimes life has a way of bombarding you. Daily, my motto is one foot in front of the other. and JOY marks my way–Jesus, Others, then you. We see this in the verse on the fruit of the Spirit.

    Love, joy, peace, longsuffering (patience), kindness, goodness,  and self-control.

    Personally, longsuffering or patience, waiting is an area that most frustrates me. Yet, I see God working everyday. On the dusty road that I travel, in the health profession, sometimes the cases are just really difficult. Resources are tight. Yet, I see God work through the hands of many to meet the needs.

    We have a charity at the hospital and this charity often provides equipment. We recently had a clothing drive for babies and tots, what a joy to give. Salvation army is collecting money to give to the less fortunate. Do you know at Mercy the charity purchases respite beds for a person that needs time to heal that does not have a home?

    Christmas brings out a time of family and giving, a time of reflection. It begs the question, who can you help this season?

    My journey has been difficult on my dusty road but I have been faithful to reading God’s word and praying. I hope to start writing again as things are improving. My son’s hand is still in need of healing. My sweet friend Karen’s ankle is healing well. My friend Lori is doing better in her healing journey with breast cancer. She is fatigued and could use your prayers.  My friend Nancy could use your prayers for healing of jaw pain. I still struggle with my headaches. I have an unspoken request in prayer. Also, pray for Kim her health.

    So, which of the fruit do you need to develop as you walk your dusty road?