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    Bible Study

    Psalm 119 W1D2



    Psalm 119: 1-2


    S- Psalm 119:1-2 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are they who keep his statues and seek him with all their heart. NIV

    O- The first word is Blessed in these two verses. The definition of blessed is consecrated; sacred; holy; sanctified: blissfully happy or contented. Author of Psalm 119 is unknown. These two verses show blessings of those who walk with the Lord. Blameless means to be without blame, innocent or wrongdoing. What does it mean to be blameless? Blameless is how Jesus sees us. We are blameless because Jesus became blame. He took our sin so that God sees us blameless. Walk is a verb showing action. Law, Statues refer to God’s word. Seek is a verb showing action.

    A   As a believer, I will be blessed, consecrated, set apart, holy, and sanctified. I am blameless before God because of Jesus gift to us. He died on the cross for my wrong doing or my sin. Because Jesus is my savior I am blameless. I need to pray and read His word and apply His word. Daily I need to read His Word and talk to Him. I think of Jeremiah 29: 11-13 that God has a plan for me and when I seek Him with all of my heart, I will find him. So beloved are you reading God’s word daily, if not will you read and apply His word starting today?

    P    Father God, thank you that you see us blessed and blameless. You have given us a recipe for life. Your word is inspired, without error. When we read Your word You bless us. When we apply Your word you direct our steps. Father God let us seek you with all of our hearts. Amen.

    Beloved, it is your turn to share your S. O. A. P.

    Tomorrow’s assignment:
