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#Iamwriing #31daychallange. #complete #Colossians 2:10 #KateMontaug

    31 Day Writings

    The ways we are complete in Christ.


    The many ways we are complete in Christ.

    Have you ever struggled with your identity? Our identity of who we are can be confusing. We often think of the many hats we wear as who we are, such as wife, mom, grandma, nurse, mother-in-law, sister. Wearing these hats does not necessarily define me but gives me a reason to exist. Who I am in Christ is what matters.

    Beloved, when we have Christ as our Saviour, as our Lord, we are complete in Him.


    Complete is in the Bible 144 times and is defined as a verb make (something) whole or perfect.

    In this series, 31 Glimpses of God’s Beauty, we are beautifully complete in Christ. God said in Genesis 1, “Let us make man in our image.” We are the image of God. Not only are we the image of God, but God entirely completed the world as we read in Genesis 2.

    [Tweet “We are the image of God, one of His beautiful creations, we are complete in Him;”]

    Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. Genesis 2:1

    Not only are the heavens and the earth complete, God knows us entirely from the number of our days and the numbers of our hair and what we are going to say and do. So read with me this verse in Psalms.

    Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. Psalm 139:4


    How does this idea resonate with you? Before a word in on my tongue, our Lord knows us so well. This thought is sobering to me. That my Heavenly Father thoroughly knows my thoughts. However, it should not surprise me since we are looking at glimpses of God”s beauty. He is omnipotent, all-knowing.

    Just as God creates a cocoon for butterflies to live until it is a butterfly, we are created in the image of God, completely known by God.

    Today, reflect on the fact that you are loved, known by God, and you are complete in Christ,

    Father God, thank You for Jesus and our salvation; Jesus is our Redeemer. Oh, the joy to have Him, Lord, over my life. To be complete in Christ is to live to glorify Him.

    What is God asking you to do in response to this post?