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#Joshua 1 9


    Unpacking 31 Verses to Live By – Day 19

    Unpacking 31 Verses to Live By – Day 19


    Beloved, this verse was written to the children of Israel. They had wandered in the desert for forty years because of disobedience to God. Joshua and Caleb will bring the children of the Children of Israel to the Promise Land.

    God gives this final command, “Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    Joshua and Caleb already knew this was true as they had been to the promised land to see what it was like, and they gave an accurate report previously. Now it was forty years later and time for them to enter the promised land.

    Personally, it is comforting to know that God is with me wherever I go.

    Daily I ask for strength and courage. God is so good and He gives me the courage I need to do the job I am doing.

    I would like to encourage you to be bold in your faith. Our world is very strange right now and we desperately need Jesus. Yet, many seem to be anti-religion.

    I do not have many fears and I try to be a good steward of my time and give my worries to God. I encourage others to love God and to serve Him. Praying, reading the Bible, and serving is our avenue to being courageous and strong.

    Today, be of good cheer and love others.

    Father God, thank you that you go with us wherever we go and that we can be strong and courageous. In Jesus’s name. Amen

    What is God asking you to do today for Him?