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    God Whispers Three Ways to Lift Your Spirit.

    God Whispers Three Ways to Lift Your Spirit.

    We received a telephone call last week that you don’t like to receive. Doug’s sister, Kathy, was killed in an automobile accident. Someone made a U-Turn in front of her.  She swerved to avoid that truck, and her car rolled over, throwing her out of the car. Her husband lived. In addition to losing his sister, my husband came down with the worse case of shingles.

    Kathy was larger than life itself! She was living her best life with Mark. She was a grandma and a mom to Cresta and Shane. You always knew where you stood with Kathy, she would tell you. Yet she had a heart of gold, and she would be the first to help you if you needed help. I gave my niece a poem that my dad had left me, I know she is not an angel in heaven, but she is in heaven. She grew closer to God and was in each one of my Proverbs 31 groups. Here is the link to a go-fund-me page on my Facebook so many expenses in an untimely death. All of us miss her. Quite frankly, we are in shock.

    What do you do when you feel the sting of death, when you are sad, when you are downtrodden? Beloved God whispers three ways to lift your spirit. One must pray, ask your questions, and be kind to you.

    Can I be candid? When I started to pray for my husband and his family, I started to sob. Additionally, I questioned God, and I asked why. I even asked why did she get to go to heaven before me. God can handle our tears. He catches and stores them in a bottle. Read with me in Psalm,

    “You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?” Psalm 56:8 ESV,

    We can ask God why. Why is in the Bible 432 times? The verse that comes to my mind is when King David asks why.

    Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation.” Psalm 42:5 ESV. 

    Lastly, to lift our spirits, we must be kind to ourselves. I reached out to the different groups I am in and asked for help with my volunteer duties. I spoke to people that knew my sister-in-law, and I allowed more tears to fall. Additionally, I made a trip to see my son since he lives closer to us now.

    Beloved, when you are sad, remember you are not alone. God is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

    ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV. 

    My husband is getting well, and we are adjusting to the fact that Kathy is in heaven. I have returned to my volunteer duties. Additionally, I’ve painted two paintings, read a book, cooked our meals. My friend reminded me that I must still have a job to do for the Lord. All of this is to say, and I am kind to me.

    Father God, thank you for giving us life and giving us eternal life. Thank you for your love for each one of us. Could you help me to be the person you want me to be. In Jesus’s name. Amen

    What is God asking you to do in response to this blog post?