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#Ruth 1:8

    Bible Study

    Ruth-Day 3


    Grief is overpowering at times. We have our lives mapped out and then something happens that changes the direction we were heading. We see this in the life of Naomi and her daughters-in-law. Perhaps a change has occurred in your life, something not expectant. I retired this time last year and moved to Oklahoma to be with my dad. Caregiving comes naturally to me. I retired as a nurse case manager for Kaiser Permanente. I had a wonderful job as I helped people go home from the hospital. Sometimes, the outcome of their illness changed their living situation. My situation certainly changed when my father passed away five months later. I went to Oklahoma for a five-year plan certainly not a five-month plan.

    Ruth, Day 3

    Game Changer

    Perhaps, Naomi, it seems moved to a foreign land because of a famine in the land and the choice of her husband. When her husband dies, she remains in the land ten more years, until her sons die. In the culture she lived in it was natural for her to have stayed with her sons. These men would have provided for their mom. Naomi is most likely between forty and fifty years old when her sons die.  Death was a game changer for Naomi.


    Ruth 1: 6-14, SOAP Ruth 1:8


    And Naomi said unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother’s house: the Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me” (Ruth 1:8 KJV).


    Naomi is left with her daughters-in-law. She has no visible means of support. Possibly the young women were in their twenties, still able to have children. Naomi encourages them to return to their mother’s homes. Naomi relationship with her daughters-in-law is encouraging.


    What ways do I put the needs of others before my needs? How do I show others that they’re loved? What am I doing daily to increase my faith and trust in God?


    Father God, thank you for Your love and Your word.  Thank you that there is as a plan for each one of our lives. Thank you in Naomi’s grief she wanted what was best for her daughters-in-law. Help me to treat others like I would want to be treated. Help me to show my daughters-in-law how precious they are to me. Lord for the one who is reading this if she struggles with her mother-in-law or her daughter-in-law, let her look at the example of Naomi and seek You and reconciliation. May I trust you when change comes to my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


    According to the commentary, the house of the mother that Naomi refers to is to prepare the young woman for marriage, By going back to that home, there was a chance for these young women to remarry. Naomi returning to her home would allow her to return to her family and to be supported because with her sons dying her support ended. In the Bible, there is a passage on how the family would continue if the son died before he had children. It is in Deuteronomy 25: 5-10. This plan could not happen for Naomi as she was most likely passed the childbearing age so her care came from the care of a widow. The Mosaic Law about widows is in Deuteronomy 10: 17-18 and Psalm 68:5. 

    I went to Oklahoma with a five to ten-year plan to care for my father. He didn’t need my help. He was independent and self-sufficient. However, in November of 2017, he became ill and God called him home. My retirement plan changed just as Naomi’s plans changed when her sons died. She went into survival mode and but even with her future unsure she wants the best for Orpha and Naomi. I am still struggling at times with grief. Can you imagine the grief of these women? I rest may days on this verse.

    And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28 KJV).

    Will you trust God with the changes God brings into your life?

    Here is the link to the blog regarding today’s reading from