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! Samuel 18


    Characteristic Nineteenth of a Believer-Merciful

    God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7

    Driving home one day from work, I happened upon an accident. I was a home health nurse and I made visits so the trunk of my car packed with supplies one might need for a home visit. It was nothing to do a dressing change and do assessments starting care for someone who needed antibiotics through their veins. We’re expected to do at least five visits a day covering the county. On this particular day, I’d been in the office and now was on my way home. There was a truck pulled to the side of the road, emergency vehicles hadn’t arrived yet, and there was a man standing there bleeding and the blood was all over the front of his shirt. I couldn’t just drive past. So along with another car, I stopped. I knew I would need something to stop the bleeding so I popped my trunk and grabbed gloves and some bandages. I yelled at the other driver to call “911.” As I approached the man, I told him I was a nurse and asked him where he was hurt and what happened. That is when I heard, “I was stabbed!”

    Beloved, the nineteenth characteristic of a born-again believer is one is merciful.

    Merciful’s defined as showing or exercising mercy.  Synonyms are forgivingcompassionateclement, pitying, forbearinglenienthumanemildkindsoftheartedtenderheartedgracioussympathetichumanitarianliberaltolerantindulgentgenerousmagnanimousbenignbenevolent. 

    King Saul went crazy with jealousy when he heard the women chant for King David in 1 Samuel 18. David and Jonathan were friends, soul-mates. Jonathan was King Saul’s son. King Saul showed no mercy for King David. He kept putting him in positions of harm, hoping he would be killed. King David married Saul’s daughter and in lip service, this was okay with King Saul but in truth, we read, “When Saul realized that the Lord was with David and that his daughter Michal loved David, Saul became still more afraid of him, and he remained his enemy the rest of his days.” 1 Samuel 18: 28-29

    David showed mercy to Saul. If you remember, King Saul chasing David went into a cave to relieve himself and David and his men were hiding and David cut off the corner of King Saul’s cloak. He could have killed him but instead, he let him live.

    Beloved, the nineteenth characteristic of a born-again believer is one is merciful.

    I looked around and started praying to God for protection, where was the man with the knife. Soon, the paramedics arrived and I was able to stop holding my hand on the abdomen of the man who was bleeding. I showed mercy by stopping at the accident but God showed mercy by not letting the man who had stabbed him return to harm him or me.

    Father God, You are a merciful God. You show us love and mercy that we do not deserve. Luke 6:36 tells us to be merciful as you are merciful. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. In Psalm 26: 11 says, I lead a blameless life; deliver me and be merciful to me. May we Lord, lead a blameless life. Be merciful to us, Lord. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen

    What do you need to do to add and or be merciful?

    This post is part of a 31 day series on the Characteristics of a Believer. I am so glad that you are here. To read all of the posts in this series, click here.