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    Five Minute Fridays

    13 retires

    Five Minute Friday- the word is thirteen.

    Justify retires this weekend, he is a famous racehorse. His number is 13. I do not go to the horseraces even though I live close to Del Mar, California. The number 13 is sometimes linked with bad luck. My sweet mama was born on January 13, 1927. When it falls on a Friday is when it is considered bad luck. What do you think of the number 13. It was a lucky number for the sweet horse, Justify. He won all of his races. How are you doing in the race of life?

    Some of you are still working, some of you are staying at home moms, some of you are working mothers. How are you doing? God cares about us and gave us the right to be called children of God. He justified us through Jesus Christ, we are justified, “just as if we had not sinned.” In Psalm 103, God forgives us as far as the east is from the west. Blessed is our life when we have Jesus as our Savior.

    Father God, Thank you for Jesus and his gift of eternal life. Thank you when we accept Jesus we are justified. Thank you that I am justified. In Jesus’name. Amen

    Have you been justified by Jesus? Is 13 a lucky number for you?