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    God whispers three facts about trials.

    God whispers three facts about trials.

    Have you ever asked God why? Recently, we made a trip to California, we had some personal business to do, and we helped our son move to Missouri. Our trip to California was uneventful as long as I stayed out of the way of the mirrors. However, when my son went to get the Penske truck, struggles began. What do you do when things are difficult? Who do you turn to when it seems like the other shoe dropped?

    Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1: 2-4.

    So, the first trial came when there was a motorcycle fatality, my husband and son were twenty minutes from their destination, and the freeway traffic came to a halt. My son and his dad had seen the motorcyclist forty minutes splitting lane, and my husband feared that the cyclist would encounter harm. Beloved, the first fact about trials is trials will happen.  Secondly, trials produce steadfastness. Lastly, trials are used by God to perfect us.

    As they drove past, nothing much was left of the motorcycle. My husband and son felt so badly. You see, this trial could’ve been avoided. What trial has God used in your life? Next on their adventure, the truck that my son rented, the air conditioner went out, and the window quit working, and the trailer the dealership gave to my son would barely hold the car but was assured they could get a bigger trailer from another dealership. At this point, I asked why?

    You see, things have always been difficult for my son. But yet, God opened up a job for him in Missouri and the funds to move. So once they were home from getting the truck, another truck was brought out and arrived at 3:30 a. m. No trailer for his truck, so he had to sell it at a loss.

    So, according to the verse, trials produce steadfastness. I call this putting one foot in front of the other perseverance. My son was willing to sell his truck speaks volumes about how much he desires to succeed despite the trials. How long have you endured a tough situation? Steadfastness in the Lord is guaranteed because He will never leave us or forsake us.

    Lastly, trials are used by God to perfect us. When we get to heaven, there will not be any trials. God uses things in our lives to perfect and complete us. So we made the trip to Missouri. We crossed the country with three dogs, one snake, and one cat. We found motel rooms for rest, and we had plenty to eat. We were lost but found the way to the new house. Now for the unpacking, wow, can I say, I am glad it is them and not me.

    Beloved, may I tell you the only way through a trial is to pray daily and trust that God is working this trial out for your good like promised in Romans 8:28. How has God used trials in your life to shape you? Will you count it for joy when you encounter a trial?

    Father God, thank you for your mercy and love, that you never leave us or forsake us. That you desire to perfect us in the trials of life. In Jesus’s name. Amen.