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#trust #success #cost

    31 Day Writings Uncategorized

    Adventure with God on the dusty road involves trust for success and it is worth the cost.

    Beloved, the dusty road I am on is confusing at times, how about yours? Daily, when I meet with the Lord, this verse in Proverbs 3: 5-6, plays an important part in my day. In the morning when I rise the time with the Lord is worth the cost of getting up early.

    Let’s break this verse down, it is a perfect verse to learn by phrases.

    • Trust in the Lord
    • with all your heart
    • and lean not
    • on your own understanding
    • In all your ways
    • acknowledge Him
    • and He shall
    • direct your paths.
    • Proverbs 3: 5-6


    A path and a road are very similar. The definition of path is a way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading or the course or direction in which a person or thing is moving. And the definition of road is a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use.  

    Path is in the Bible 108 times, and road is in the Bible 109 times. As a young girl, I felt that God wanted me to be a missionary. However, in high school, I rushed into romance and marriage and then children. Being a missionary went to the back burner, but God redeemed this promise of being a missionary.  I went to Israel and shared my testimony in Nazareth in 1995. The road to Israel was filled with challenges and I climbed so many hills in Nazareth. The cost to get to Israel was great but the reward was far greater in that two people accepted Christ from my testimony.

    I had always wanted to be a nurse and God put me on a path that was full of twists and turns. I became disabled from migraine headaches unable to work in the business office so the Department of Rehabilitation trained me to be a medical assistant. Once in school, God opened the doors for me to become an RN. The cost of all the hours of studying paid off as I still use this knowledge to this day.

    Beloved, in all your ways acknowledge Him. In Chapter Five, of Rest For Your Soul, Wendy Blight speaks truth about God and His attributes. She writes, “Feeding ourselves fresh revelations of God’s attributes equips us to effectively combat the lies and untruths we’ve been believing. She encourages us to understand how big our God is.”  What is your favorite attribute of God?

    So, today at the hospital, I was able to pray with a sweet lady who is in the hospital and her husband is at home sick. Additionally, my pink clipboard showed up, it was back in my cupboard. Isn’t God good.

    Another great road quote,

    “Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.” ― C. S. Lewis

    God loves us and believes in our success, after all He is God. as Wendy Blight writes in her book worthy of our praise,

    “God, I praise YOU as,

    King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Abba Father, Faithful and True, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Living Water, Savior, Redeemer, Prince Of Peace, Holy One, Comforter,  Son of God, Good Shepherd, Alpha and Omega, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Defender, Strong Tower, Rock, Salvation, King of Glory, Strength of My Heart and My Portion, Forever, Lover of My Soul, Rock of Ages, Emmanuel, Messiah, Name above All Names, The True Vine, Teacher, Light of the World, The Resurrection and The Light, the Great I Am, the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever. God, I praise you as, All-powerful, all-knowing, always present, wise, holy, good, faithful, just, merciful, grace-filled, infinite, eternal, unchanging, sovereign, righteous, loving, gracious, glorious, and kind.”

    On your dusty road today, will you invite the Lord, memorize an attribute and praise him as you walk with God. The cost will be worth it.


    Father God,

    As we trust you and lean not on our own understanding, even if our road is confusing at times, you are with us. May we praise you as we walk daily with you. Oftentimes, we pay a price but the cost of following you is so worth the love we feel because you love us with an everlasting love. In Jesus’s name. Amen.