31 Day Writings

King of Kings


Father God, You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning the end. I adore you Lord and praise you. You alone are worthy of my praise, You gave your only son to die on the cross for the sins of man kind, including my sins, I struggle to understand this kind of love that I receive because of this selfless act. Thank you for eternal life because of his death and resurrection. Oh lord, your love is so amazing. I praise you for your grace and mercy. I pray for those that may not know you and I ask for an immediate out pouring of the Holy Spirit that they may claim you as their King of King and Lord of Lord.

At Christmas, our church always has a special music cantata Handel’s Messiah and I can hear King of Kings and Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords being sung. The emotion that one feels when it is playing brings a richness to one’s soul. The myriad of angels singing in heaven will naturally echo off one another building in concerto.

Beloved, do you know the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? How important is the King of Kings to you? Are you ready to meet the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? If you do not know the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, please ask Jesus as your savior. Contact me and I will get you a Bible. Beloved, do you believe at the right time, Christ will be revealed?

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  • Reply
    mahogany kees
    April 14, 2016 at 2:20 am

    Good morning my sister in Christ. To god be all the glory. I have been reading your emails for sometime now and they make my day. Yes I would love for you to send me a Bible if possible. I would need large print. Again thank you for making my day.

    • Reply
      April 14, 2016 at 7:26 am

      Dear Mahogany, Please send me your address. Thank you for your lovely comment. Diana

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