

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Tomorrow, I will spend the morning with a trusted friend and we will pray with a young woman as she works through the Steps to Freedom. This is a life changing appointment. “The Steps cover seven critical issue, we will not experience our freedom in Christ if we seek false guidance, believe lies, fail to forgive, live in rebellion, respond in pride, fail to acknowledge our sin and continue in the sins of our ancestors.” according to Steps to Freedom Neil Anderson.

According to Neil Anderson in the Steps booklet, Satan’s defeated but he still rules this world and he tempts us, just as he did Jesus in Matthew 4. He tempted Jesus after He had fasted forty days, but Jesus knew the word of God and was able to quote scripture. With all authority, Jesus told Satan, “Get out of here, Satan!” and then Jesus quoted scripture. “You must worship the Lord your God and serve only Him.” The devil went away.

Beloved, prayer is our tool to tell Satan to take a hike. However, God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent but Satan is not. So one must speak out loud with authority of the power of Jesus to Satan because he can’t read your mind.

Love God Greatly will be starting a study “Growing through Prayer’ on January 11, 2016. I have a Facebook Group should you like to join.

If you find yourself, waffling on your goals, resolutions, desires, or your dreams are frustrating you, remember to be watchful, mindful and prayerful. A prayer day is better that a co pay at a doctor’s office. Keep the momentum going instead of one step forward, two steps backs Pray, Pray, Pray.

I heard this beautiful song on the way home. Be prayerful as you read the lyrics.

“Beauty Of The Cross”

At the cross I find the beauty of Your matchless grace
At the cross I see a King who died to take my place
It’s the moment that You made me clean and pardoned my soul
Amazing grace that I would be allowed unto Your throne
Not by my own will but solely by Your will alone
I’m unworthy of this love you have shown to me
I see my desperate need

The beauty of the cross is that there’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is that I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am

Not by my own works that I may boast or I may come
But simply through your Son the sinless and Exalted One
Only through the cross that I’m made clean to draw near to you
Saved so that you would receive all glory due Your name
Everlasting God from age to age you never change
A true love story remains for all eternity
That all the world would see

My sinful soul could only be
Redeemed by the blood of a sinless King
So you came to the world that You had made
Conquered sin on the cross and You rose from the grave

That’s the beauty of the cross

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