
Prayers of a King to a King.

Create in me a pure heart, O God!

Beloved, why is prayer so difficult? Have you heard someone say, “there is nothing left to do but pray? Perhaps the hopelessness of your situation has stopped you from doing the things you love.

You might have noticed that I haven’t been writing for some time; months have passed. Recently, my sweet friend reached out to me and commented on one of my old blogs. She designed my website and images, and we talked about our writing. This simple conversation pricked my heart into returning to a craft I love. Thank you, Barbara.

Then I heard David Jeremiah today, and he talked about how we are overcomers. He encouraged us to pray the prayers written by King David, to be in God’s Word, and to download worship in our lives.

Beloved, quite honestly, I’ve been derailed by trials. It seems like one right after another. Some days faithful in prayers, some days groaning and complaining, some days rejoicing. Have you ever tried to figure it out yourself and asked God to bless your mess?

So today, I start with this prayer from King David. Create in me a pure heart. How can this be accomplished? Only when I seek Him and ask for forgiveness and guidance. In Psalm 139:12, God forgives us as far as the east is from the west, but we must confess.

Then our thoughts are so important as we read in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Amid my trials from April to the end of December, my thoughts were not always pure, excellent, or praiseworthy. Often, I struggled with feelings of pity and angst. Worry and strife entangle me even though I know we are to give our burdens to God. Have you ever given your troubles to God only to grab them back?

Happily, God never left me or removed the Holy Spirit from me; during this time, I did a study on the Holy Spirit. Even though I wasn’t writing, I have never given up on God. God is with us when we struggle. God is with us when our thoughts are not pure. God is with us even if we don’t pray or read our Bible.

Beloved, we are loved with everlasting love. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Sweet friend, we are overcomers. We are told in Romans 8:37, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

I love to write my prayers, and I need to return to this. Writing my prayers keeps me focused, and I have a record. Becky Tirabassi has written her prayers for over thirty years, along with reading the Bible. She has created a “My Partner Prayer Notebook, and a Change Your Life Daily Bible.”  Both of these resources are available. https://change-your-life-r– She is on Facebook daily.

Beloved, prayer is not difficult, we just have to talk to God. We just have to do it. Will you one day in advance make an appointment with God?



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  • Reply
    Judy Chilton
    January 30, 2023 at 10:55 am

    Sweet Diana,
    So good to read your blog again.
    I love your honesty.
    I can certainly identify with you during some difficult times I’ve had. And it helps to know that I’m not alone.
    I love you, Judy

    • Reply
      January 30, 2023 at 5:46 pm

      Thank you Judy, I hope you are doing better. Blessings Diana

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