
An Easter Prayer

Father God, We praise you this beautiful Easter Morning because You are the Alpha, the Omega, The beginning and the end. You are Creator and Sustainer of every living person, flower, plant, tree, and animal. You made the stars, the moon, and we know that You are our Redeemer and You live. You gave us the Bible, Your Son and the Holy Spirit. You give us the very breath that we breathe.

Psalm 119:166


We admit Lord that we have sinned against You, we have taken for granted going to church and reading our Bible, and sharing our testimony.

We ask today that You heal our land, we pray 2 Chronicles 7:14, we humble ourselves before You. Lord, this invisible enemy, the corona virus has produced illness, death, and fear. We ask that You protect us against this enemy. Please dear Lord, provide for us physically, spiritually, and financially. Be with us as we struggle to keep our families safe. We ask that anyone who is filled with fear will remember that You did not give us a spirit of fear, but You gave us hope, love and a sound mind.

Father God, because You sent your Son, He was beaten and put to death, and because he was raised from the dead, because He is alive, we have forgiveness of sins. Because He lives, the stone could not contain Jesus in the grave. Because He lives, we have forgiveness of our sins. Because He lives, the emptiness of our life is filled with His love. Because He lives, we have eternal life. Because He lives, we have eternal hope. Because He lives, we will have healing in our land. Because He lives, we can face today and tomorrow.

Father God, we thank You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We thank You that we have eternal life that starts today. We thank You that we have forgiveness of sins. We thank you that joy comes in the morning. We thank You that the grave is empty. We thank You that like the thief on the cross is in eternity today, we will spend eternity with You. We thank You, that Jesus death provides us a way, a truth, and life. We thank You that we have fellowship with You. We thank You that Jesus is our advocate, intercessor, and He is waiting for us. We thank you that Jesus is the resurrection and the life and that we will live forever because Jesus is alive. In Jesus’ name we pray Amen.

How can I pray for you today? Do you know Jesus as your savior?

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  • Reply
    April 13, 2020 at 3:50 am

    Amen and Amen! Beautiful prayer, Diana! I hope you had a wonderful Easter! ❤️

    • Reply
      June 14, 2020 at 5:12 pm

      Thank you sweet one. Blessings Diana

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