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    Book Category Book Reviews

    The Hem of His Garment A book review

    Beloved, our word is pain. I am a chronic pain sufferer. The definition of pain is physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. The word pain is in the Bible sixty-two times.


    Book Review

    I am friends with Dr. Michelle Bengtson, she is a neuropsychologist, wife, mother, and author. She is a fellow pain sufferer. Her new book, The Hem of His Garment-Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms is a most important book for the person who suffers with any type of pain, physical, emotional, spiritual pain.

    For the first time I felt heard in my pain journey. She asks the hard questions of God. Why are my prayers not being answered? Why am I not being healed?

    In the very first chapter, one is captivated. She writes, “When pain strikes our lives, our temptation is often to look for someone to blame.”  She reviews the suffering pain of David, Hannah, Job, and Paul to mention a few. She knows her Bible. Another powerful quote is “Pain colors our perspective robs us of the best parts of us and challenges us to just barely cling to the hem of Jesus’s garment.”

    You can get this book from Amazon, after you read, would you write a review.


    Pain entered my life through the vise-gripping migraines. Additionally, I’ve suffered injuries to my back and knees, so angry joints often interrupt my life. I’ve been disabled and I’ve worked in spite of blinding pain. My personal motto has been to put one foot in front of the other and to keep on going with the help of God.

    I highly recommend this book. God is faithful every single day. At the end of each chapter is a verse to reach for the hem of Jesus, something to do and a prayer.

    One such prayer,

    “Father, you did not create us for pain in a perfect world, but you warned us we would experience painful trials in this life. Having faced many painful circumstances in my own life, my heart goes out to the fellow pain sufferer holding the book in their hands. I thank you that we do not handle these pain-filled trials alone but that you go before us, you come behind us, and you hem us in on both sides. You are Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, and Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.  I look to you to heal this dear one and provide for their every need on their pain filled journey. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


    Beloved, I do not know why I have not been healed, but I have been shown much love and grace from God. I continue to put one foot in front of the other and journey with God. I want you to know that I am not



  • 2 Timothy 3 16
    Book Category

    It’s Not Suppose To Be This Way

    It’s Not Suppose To Be This Way is a book by Lysa Terkhurst that I am reading with over 110,000 women. offers an online Bible Study and we do about…

  • Book Category

    “This Thing Called Depression”

    Dr. Michelle Bengston writes in Chapter 1, “Perhaps the description of depression to which I could most relate is that “it’s like drowning, except you can see everyone around you breathing.”…