
Characteristic Sixteen of a Believer-Lowly

Better to live humbly with the poor than to share plunder with the proud. Proverbs 16:19

After having lost a job due to illness and returning to school, I really needed success. Success came in the grades I received at college. Striving for the next A became my goal. Of course, humility at stake, we didn’t discuss my grades. I joined the fraternity so that I could have the gold cord and my name highlighted as part of the honor society. My grades were such that I only had to work one semester and that was not my last semester before graduation. Before graduation, I went to make sure my name was in good standing and I’m assured that it is. The night of graduation arrives and with all of my preparation, there is ……

Beloved, the sixteenth characteristic of a born-again believer is lowly. Lowly’s definition is low in status or importance; humble. Synonyms of lowly are low in status or importance; and humble. When I think of the Bible of the humble or the lowly, I think of the shepherd. One of the most famous shepherds was David. David spent many nights in the field watching the sheep, protecting them, as the good shepherd. Beloved, where was David when Samuel came to Jesse home looking for the next King. David was in the field with the sheep. 1 Samuel 16: 11, “Are all the young men here?” Then he said, “There remains yet the youngest and there he is keeping the sheep.” He was so humble, that he was forgotten by his father. When he comes in from the field, the Lord makes it clear to Samuel that David is the man to be the next King. Samuel anointed him, King David.

So I arrived at graduation, my name was not highlighted so it was not announced with the honor students and even though I was given my gold rope it was anti-climatic to the expectation I had in my heart. But, it did not take away from the hard work of junior college, nor the grades, but it emphasized to me that my joy needed to come from God. I needed to make the grades for the right reasons. I think I did and I know that the success of graduating I had to give God the glory. You see I was an average student in high school but in college, as an adult, I was a humble star.

Beloved, the sixteenth characteristic of a born-again believer is lowly.

Father God, thank you for the career you gave me as a nurse, help us to remember that you help the humble. Let us not be arrogant or proud. Father, I pray for the woman who needs a job or is in college trying to juggle family and school. Let her find rest in you. In Jesus name. Amen.

What do you need to do to be lowly or humble?


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Crissy Johnson
    August 12, 2018 at 9:39 pm

    This is one of the attributes I have worked on the longest besides being loving. I have made a point to be humble and lowly. There were times that it was hard, especially when seeing others celebrated for things I did just as well or better but I kept quiet and hoped that God would teach me to stay humble/lowly and use every opportunity to glorify Him instead. Thank you for reminding me to make sure I stay lowly and humble. ❤

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