Bible Verses

God is Good

Psalm 119:166God is so good. He is good all the time. Do you believe that God is Good?

I am in Bible Study Fellowship this year, we are studying  Acts and the Letters to the Apostles.

First may I encourage you to consider Bible Study Fellowship as a method of studying God’s word. It is a four-fold approach to studying God’s word. First there is a lesson to read and interact with by being in God’s word. Then you read God’s word and answer questions, come together, discuss the questions and then hear a lecture.

They have classes and if you are not near a class you can now do this online.

Do you know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have different jobs.

Yet they are all God.

From the BSF notes,

  1. God the Father chiefly planned creation and salvation.
  2. God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, chiefly achieved these plans.
  3. God the Holy Spirit chiefly proclaims these works to call people to faith in Christ.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit remain distinct.

Do you love God, the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit?

Father God, you are amazing in your love for us. Thank you for your son, your Holy Spirit and for you. You are the alpha and the omega, the beginning the end. I stand in awe of you. Fill me, mold me, love me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

What is God asking you to do in response to this blog?

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