Bible Study

I’m Starving

Have you ever been famished? So hungry that you are grumpy. I have episodes of low blood sugar and the person I become is scary until my blood sugar is restored.

Today’s bible reading is Genesis 25:27 to Genesis 28:5. Beloved, what is your relationship with your family? Also, what is your relationship to things?

We read about Esau and Jacob in today’s reading. Esau a skillful outdoorsman and Jacob preferred to stay near home. Do you think Jacob was closer to his mom? Do you think there was some favoritism in this household? In Biblical times, the firstborn received not only a double portion of the inheritance but a blessing.

My first impression is that Esau had some jealousy issues and a flagrant disregard of his heritage.

So the scene goes like this, he arrives from a hunting expedition in the wilderness and he is exhausted and hungry. Beloved, this is not a great condition. Sometimes when we are tired and hungry we make poor choices. Have you ever made a poor choice when you were emotionally fatigued, hungry, angry, or lonely?

.I'M Starving

I’m not quite sure how to respond to Esau being willing to sell his birthright for a cup of stew. Beloved, the Bible in Genesis 25 that instead of cherishing his birthright, he showed contempt for his birthright.

Sins can be repeated and familial. Issac lies to King Abimelech about Rebekah being his wife. Abraham lied twice about Sarah being his sister not his wife. God protected Sarah and He protects Rebekah.

Beloved, of all the nutrients we must have water. We read about a conflict over water rights. The enemy attacks the water source. Once resolved Issac builds an altar. Issac enters a treaty with the enemy.

Last but not least, we read about Rebekah’s plan. She devises a plan to ensure Jacob receives Esau’s birthright inheritance. Jacob follows his mother’s instructions and Issac is deceived. Issac blesses Jacob thinking it is Esau. Issac had poor eyesight and was relying on touch and smell.

Esau returns and Issac realizes what he has done. Blessings could not be revoked. What was done was done. Esau hates his brother and devises a plan to kill him. Issac sends Jacob to Rebekah’s family to protect him and to find him a wife that was not a Hittite.

Beloved, this section of scripture is so rich with an application.

My something old was the story of Esau and Jacob, my something new was the information on the enemy going after the water source, and my something to do is to continue to pray for my sons.

As you know I follow Wendy Pope, and she brought up some great thoughts. Esau was not really starving. When have I exaggerated a situation? Esau sacrificed something valuable. What future have I sacrificed for the immediate? Esau showed contempt. What have I done with my rights as a child of God?

Father God, let me be a good steward of the blessings I have in my life. Let me be the person I am supposed to be to serve you and honor you. Please do not let my appetite for the world to be more important than my appetite for you. Let me hunger and thirst for you and you alone. Comfort those reading my words if there is stress in their families and betweeen siblings. In Jesus name Amen.

What is God asking you to do? Forgive someone? End a conflict? Come to the living water and drink freely of His word.


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