Bible Study

Jonah, Week 1, Day 2



Everyone knows this familiar story. Jonah is given a job and he thinks about what God is asking him to do and decides that he know better than God. God is willing to prepare him for the job of being the one that tells the city of Ninevah that they need to repent and turn to God. In Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby says that God is at work all around us and He invites us to join Him. Jonah reacts, runs, and hides from God. This strikes me funny, just as Adam and Eve hid from God. However, are we not the same, when God asks us something difficult to do, we don’t accept right away, we run and hide or we think someone else is more qualified. Will you start today? Read God’s word and pray daily. Then be prepared to speak up for Jesus. God will use you just as He uses Jonah. What adventure will God take you?

Jonah, Week 1, Day 2

Reading and Assignment

Jonah 1: 4-6, Psalm 135: 5-6 SOAP Psalm 135:5-6


For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.

Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.


How do you show the Lord that He is great and above all gods? Do you read your Bible daily? Pray daily? Do you know that the Lord is Lord over all the earth?


Father God, You are great and you are God, the Lord of Lords. Thank you, that you are God over the heaven and the earth. You are God of the seas and all the deep places. You are the Lord over the deep places of my heart. You know every crevice of my heart. You know every good and wicked thought that I have harbored in my heart. Please Lord, fill me with your love. Cleanse me from my thoughts that are not pure. Clear the way for me to serve you. Let me serve you with gladness.  In Jesus name, Amen.


God is good all of the time, all of the time God is good. What adventure is God taking you?

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