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    Five Minute Fridays

    3 Ways to be Footloose and Less Tired

    Five Minute Friday-A time to write for five minutes on one word then link up with other writers.

    The word is tired

    One Word 2018

    The three ways to be footloose and less tired involve self-care. Daily we need to care for ourselves because being tired can hinder our lives. The first way is to make sure we are drinking enough water. With a Star Bucks on every corner and the popularity of coffee, many of us do not drink water. Some may even hate the taste of water but I can tell you from experience, the more water you drink the more you will crave water. But for the person who just cannot tolerate water, try adding a little juice to your water and make your own flavored drinking water. Try a half of a lemon in your water in the morning and this helps you with digestive issues. Next hint is to move more. Exercise is proven to give us a dose of endorphins the bodies natural morphine. Exercise can be cumulative so three ten-minute walks equal thirty minutes of exercise. Lastly, turn off electronics and go to bed timely. Self-care is what God wants for us, He does not want tired servants. Today, let’s be brave, footloose and fancy-free and less tired. Step out of your comfort zone. Try dancing to the music of Footloose, have some fun, fight fatigue by taking care of you.