31 Day Writings Uncategorized

Unpacking 31 Verses to Live By- Day 26

Unwrapping 31 Verses to Live By -Day 26

Beloved, this verse would make great wallpaper. I would like it for an accent wall. One that I could walk by, touch, and ponder. This verse is good for what I call stinking thinking.

In memorizing verses, writing the verses is vital. Some of the ways to do this are to leave words blank, I’ve blank index cards, and I write the verse several times, and I carry these verses with me. Then as the Holy Spirit leads, I will share the verses with some person that I meet.

Another way is to include them in your letters to family members. For example, I write to seniors in senior living facilities and send them verses.

As we unpack this verse today, what unwholesome thoughts are you thinking? Perhaps you might think you are unworthy. But, we are worthy because of Christ and His gift to us. He died for our sins and made us worthy.

So whatever flawed thinking you might have, chase it with the truth of this verse.

Father God, thank you that I can think of the things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

What thoughts do you need to give to God?

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