31 Day Writings

28 Days of Loving God -Day 20

28 Days of Loving God -Day 20

Beloved, our word today is bear–oh my lion, tiger, and bears. Not this kind of bear- this bear is to shoulder one’s burdens. We have an ultimate burden bearer and that is God. Bear is in the Bible 209 times. From seed-bearing fruit to a burden-bearing God. And yet another meaning for the word is to bear children. How do you bear another one’s burden?

Friendship is from God. When He created the world, He saw that Adam did not have a suitable helpmate, so He created Eve. Eve was his wife and friend. Probably the best example of friendship in the Bible is David and Jonathan.

Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town. ! Samuel 20:42. NIV

I’ve had some great friends over my life. God is so good to give us friends. We have friends that are sometimes for seasons, some we have for many years and others for much less time.

Beloved, how do you bear another one’s burden? You pray.

Father God, thank you for the gift of friendship and for your love. In Jesus’s name amen.



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