Bible Study

3 Ways You Are Known by God

I’ve two accounts with J C Pennys one is my credit card and one is my husband’s credit card. Today, I tried to pay the balance on my card, but the system kept sending me to my husband’s account.

How do you choose your passwords? Then how do you remember the password? So the password does not work so you ask for a password reset, now you have another password to record and or remember. It’s interesting that the computer will do this for you. So the next time you come to the site, you do not have to remember the password.  Are you happy that there are no passwords to talk to God? We are known by God.

There are three ways you are known by God. Psalm 139 says that God knew you in your mother’s womb.  And yes we are known by God because He predestined you to be His child. We are known by God when we pray.

When we accept Jesus as our savior, the Holy Spirit identifies our soul with God. We can read about this in Romans 8. If God is for us who can be against us? God’s word as difficult as it is to understand speaks of God who knew and the predestination of a believer. Lastly, God listens and hears our prayers. He knows our names just as we know our Shepherds voice.

Beloved, when did you ask Jesus to become your savior? How often do you read God’s word and talk to Him? Just as we know our children’s voices God knows ours. He loves it when we seek him first as in Matthew 6:33. Then beloved, are you taking your questions to God. He is the one with the answers. There’s purpose in your pain. Your best friend can’t give you the reassurance you seek, only God can. The pain you feel healed by a God who loves you leads to a peace that only God can give. This peace then will lead to your purpose. Perhaps, you are suffering from the pain of rejection from a friend, or a spouse, or a child. Or have you been passed over for a promotion? Perhaps, you were on the top of your game and illness has made your job difficult. Perhaps, someone has betrayed you or lied about you. Once again, God is the only one who can heal the pain which leads to peace and gives you purpose.

Will you claim who you are in Christ? You are a child of God. Beloved, Psalm 139:14 says you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Do you believe this? Then embrace this truth, let it steer your life. Shout it from your rooftop that God has given you.

When we talk to God, we do not have to enter a password or even pay a bill. God remembers who you are, the debt was paid in full by Jesus Christ. We do not have to hit the remember this for a password because the password is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit testifies you are a child of God.

Father God, thank you for being God. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who testifies that I am God’s child. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Will you pray today and read God’s word?



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