Bible Study

Ten Plagues Before Pharaoh Lets the People Go

We are currently living in a 5th wheel which is like a trailer but there is a portion that fits over the truck. We have six pop outs. So this place is not small, we have a dedicated bedroom, a small bathroom, and a combination of a living room and dining room and of course a kitchen or as I call it the galley. This time of the year as the heat increases we suffer with humidity. Additionally we have had so much rain, that there are many gnats.

The gnats seems to draw to the light, my eyes and my nose.

So you can imagine, how painful it is to try and read or work on the computer. Truly, do you ever wonder why God made gnats and mosquitoes?

Today we see that Moses is finally on board with going to the Pharaoh. God’s already told Moses to expect resistance. You see God knows Pharaoh and that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.

Moses demonstrates his leadership abilities and his faithfulness to God throughout the rest of Exodus with the exception of when he became angry and struck the rock as we read in Numbers 20.

Where we pick up the story on Moses today is the events that occur while the Israelites are still in Egypt. Exodus 7 records the first plague of the blood in the river Nile and Exodus 12 has the last plague the death of the first born which did not affect the Israelites because they used the blood of the lambs to paint their door posts and they were passed over and did not lose their first born. It was catastrophic because even the animals died. This was the 10th and last plague.

Before our current crisis the pandemic with the Corona Virus, the plagues of Exodus did not hold the same meaning to me as now. We are enduring a pandemic that is causing fear. Beloved, I believe that God’s word is true and that the plagues were real.

Dr. David Jeremiah in his study Bible gives five reasons for the plagues.

  • To demonstrate God’s power publicly.
  • To denounce the sin of Pharaoh and his people.
  • To defy the gods of Egypt.
  • To distinguish Israel from all other nations.
  • To develop the faith of his own people.

Beloved, God uses circumstances and God is in control. God was not just judging the people of Egypt. He was preparing the people of Israel to leave that land and to have courage to go on and be identified as His people. They were freed from depending on that country and were now on their way to the promise land.

Where might you need courage today? Perhaps you lost your job in this pandemic or worse yet you lost a member or your family or a friend to this virus. Perhaps you are fearful and wondering how to even go on.

Beloved, the God that has a plan for the Israelites has a plan for you as we read in Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

As I write about Moses, I realize why he has six verses in Hebrews 11. There is so much to his life but for today will you just take a few minutes to know that God is in control and we do not have to fear anything. We can be like the apostle Paul, to live here for Jesus is great and if God calls us home that is gain.

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21.

I know my discomfort with the gnats is nothing that can compare but I would have let the people go way before Pharaoh did. You see his heart was so hard it took losing his child before he let the people go.

Father God, we praise you and thank you that you are in control and that you gave us the Bible so that we can look to you in this difficult time. We trust you with our lives. We know that we do not have to be filled with fear. We know that you love us. In Jesus name, Amen.

What area of your life do you need to let God in?


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