Bible Study

When Prayers Go Unanswered: Keep Praying

Do you have a prayer that God has not answered yet? What is the longest you have prayed for someone? Has God told you no, or wait, or yes? Are you surprised when God does answer your prayers?

Today, another layer of suspense has been added to our world. Are you frantically searching for items just in case? How are you doing? Has the frenzy of the world shaken you?

Beloved, do you trust God?

The next person in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11 is Sarah. Sarah is known for having a baby after she turned ninety. Read her story in Genesis 17. 

Sarah’s strengths is she trusted God when He told her she would have a baby even though her first response was to laugh. Her weakness is she ran ahead of God when she gave her servant Hagar to Abraham. She also allowed Abraham to tell enemies that she was his sister.

Beloved, Sarah made some mistakes but she prayed along time for a child of her own. She also gave wise advice once Issac was born to Abraham regarding Hagar.

So, in my own life, I have had a prayer that I have prayed for many years and it has yet to be answered. As a child we prayed for my father for over 15 years to return to the Lord. Do you have a prayer request that is unspoken?

There is a song, “Whisper a prayer in the morning, whisper a prayer at noon, whisper a prayer in the evening to keep your heart in tune.”

Beloved, during this time of crisis, are you praying?

Sarah gave birth at a age greater than 90, this was a miracle, there is nothing to hard for God.

Pray beloved because we have a friend in Jesus.

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. Yes beloved, God can be trusted.

[Tweet “Prayer is a gift from God. Please open the gift. #faith #prayer #trust”]

Who do you need to pray for?

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