Bible Study

With friends like Zophar who need enemies?

Have you ever felt when things are going wrong that God is picking on you? In chapter 10, Job continues to think of every reason why God is afflicting him. He concludes according to Charles Ryrie of the Ryrie Study Bible that God must know that he is a man of integrity.

Psalm 139:14 states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, Job knew God made him as he says in Job 10:19 when he says if only I had never come into being, or had been carried straight from the womb (NIV) in the Message bible it says, ‘Oh, that marvel of conception as you stirred together semen and ovum–What a miracle of skin and bone, muscle and brain! You gave me life itself, and incredible love. You watched and guarded every breath I took. This reference is how God cares for him as an embryo in the womb. But Job wishes he had never been born his struggle is so great.

Chapter 11 is Zophar first speech to Job and if Zophar is a friend than Job does not need any enemies. Zophar’s blunt and harsh. He blames Job and concludes that his suffering is because of his sins. He states that God has held back and Job deserves more. Zophar is a black and white kind of person. Beloved, do you know any person who thinks black and white only? He wasn’t interested into looking at the big picture or seeking God to see if there was another explanation, he jumped to conclusions, thought the worst case about Job. He called Job a sinner and rebuked him.

Chapters 12-13 Job replies to Zophar and to God, to Zophar he tells him he is not inferior to him and declares his own righteousness. I love that he said I may be a laughingstock though righteous and blameless. Who can say that. Job said that. Beloved, don’t you think that should be a question on Jeopardy? God is sovereign and Job wanted to argue his case with God not his so called friends. Job is still seeking why he’s being afflicted and God has still not answered. I know with my health issues, I have not asked the why question. Paul had a thorn that he prayed to have removed and it was not removed, but God’s grace was enough to meet his daily needs. Beloved, do you believe that God’s grace is enough to meet your needs?

True Wisdom and real power belong to God   T/F.
Do you think the elderly have the corner on wisdom?
In Chapter 11:18 if you are full of hope what will happen?
How do you handle a friend that continually hurts your feelings?

Listen to Amazing Grace

January 7 reading is Job 14-16

Beloved, what can you do when someone is in need of a shoulder to lean on?

Father God, let us remember that silence is golden, only share a prayer request if you have asked if you can, be kind to the person, and Lord let us put you first in our lives. In Jesus name. Amen



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