
God whispers three ways to be an observant servant.

God whispers three ways to be an observant servant.

Five Minute Friday, and the word is observant. The observant definition is good or quick at noticing things.

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30 KJV. 

Early in our marriage, Doug had a mustache. So this one day, we were at an appointment, and I said to the man, “You have a mustache just like my husband.” I turned, and Doug didn’t have a mustache. Observant I wasn’t; I didn’t even notice he had shaved it off.

God wants us to be observant.

The first way to be observant is to acknowledge God. Remember when I explained that God is at work all around us? As we acknowledge God daily in prayer, He gives us our marching orders.

The second way to be observant is to be present. Often, I am guilty of being absorbed in what I am doing, and I do not hear what my husband has said. To be present is to listen and participate in the conversation actively. One can ask questions so that one really hears what is being said.

The third way to be observant is to reflect on your day with gratitude. A gratitude journal will help you reflect on the blessings of God. I’ve got a gratitude journal that is a part of my prayer journal. Being thankful can be a way of life.


Even though I missed when Doug shaved his mustache, I try to be observant. One of the ways is by not using my telephone when I am with him. Beloved, be grateful, record, and reflect. If God knows how many hairs are on your head, think how observant our God is?

How can you be more observant?



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