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  • Avoid
    Bible Study

    Avoid the Pitfalls

    The word for the day was avoid. So, I avoided writing about the word avoid. I’m really good at putting my head in the sand, to avoid things. The most difficult…

  • Open
    Bible Study

    Open Your Eyes

    Today our word is OPEN. I love the song, Open the Eyes of My Heart.  Do you want to see Jesus? Do you know Jesus? Will you open your heart to…

  • Reach
    Bible Study

    Reach for the Stars

    Reach for the stars, or reach for the sky, a way to get the little ones to stretch. I’ve taught many three-year-olds to reach up tall. Another meaning on reach for…

  • First
    Bible Study

    First Things First

    Have you ever considered the first in the Bible? Obviously, the first sunrise, sunset, the first man was Adam, the first sin with Eve, the first garments that were made, the…

  • Deep
    Bible Study

    I am in the deep end.

    Swimming in the deep end of the pool always caused me anxiety. So you can imagine how anxious I was when I went into the ocean for the first time. Scripture…